I could very it was added by using the otool command:
Install_name_tool -add_rpath ~/instantclient_12_1. Once it is built I then modified the rpath of the cx_Oracle.so library to include the Oracle instant client location: It is pretty simple, and seems to support the theory of SPI being an issue, and matches a lot of notes about discontinuing usage of the LD and DYLD paths.
So I did find a solution that did not require disabling SIP on Mac OS X. So there are lots of antidotal references to this being related to SIP (System Integrity Protection), though I could find no specific technical note from Apple that says exactly what is causing the above error (inability to find dynamic linked library at run time). File 'build/bdist.macosx-10.12-intel/egg/cx_Oracle.py', line 7, in įile 'build/bdist.macosx-10.12-intel/egg/cx_Oracle.py', line 6, in _bootstrap_Ĭx_Oracle.DatabaseError: DPI-1047: Oracle Client library cannot be loaded: dlopen(libclntsh.dylib, 1): image not found.